Ancient therapies, amazing Hungarian practices




The ancient beliefs of the Hungarians possibly not even consciously, but efficiently used the healing techniques, for example, to banish fatigue and cleanse chakras. Now we'll show you how!

Click to continue and get to know the Hungarian old habits that will help you live healthier.

With the Hungarian folk dancing our grandparents and great-grandparents expelled the tiredness resulting from the effort of incredibly hard work of harvesting. At these times they held harvesters' balls, and after harvest lasting from dawn to sunset, they amused all night. Almost every movement of the folk dance corresponds to one sign of the Zodiac, which helps bringing the energies into harmony and by snapping of fingers, with clapping of hands,flapping on legs they perfectly cleansed their chakras and meridians, though they were likely not aware of it, but tremendous energies were gained.

Would you think that our chakras, each of them, can be beautifully tuned by particular syllable sounds. If you are sick, or just really tired , dive into a tub of warm water so that you put in your head as well. Pour a few drops of any essential oil into the bath , and try to find the "do" sound - sing it - , then it will begin to resonate with your root chakra. If found, this can be felt strongly , then you can sing along the re, mi , fa, so, la , ti sounds. With this we are able to clean, harmonize and activate all our chakras. Our healing will just happen. Actually, the Hungarian folksong stores , and singing them came up with a chakra harmonization.


We share with you some further popular therapies...

During the day put cabbage leaves with honey on it on the painful and swollen body parts, tie it up, while for the night put grits boiled in water, tie it up and put kitchen foil on. Another good pack is still the comfrey.

Advisable to drink chamomile tea, but to eliminate the painful and burning micturition it is quite effective if we sit over its vapor, or sit into a bowl of water mixed with chamomile tea.


Steaming over the good old chamomile tea, towel on head, and very good to drink tea with chamomile, plantain, thyme, sage, honey, lemon, maybe put even some cinnamon and cloves into the kettle. The two latter ingredients are also recommended for mulled wine. Flaxseed tea is great to loosen the mucus, relieve coughing.

The sap of the stonecrop dripped into the ears or rubbed into the body part with shingles will provide excellent pain relief. For earaches use warm salt, sewn into a small linen bag, well warmed up and put onto the painful ear.

Our grandmothers used vinegar for almost all purposes, for example: rinsing the hair, they put a tablespoon of vinegar into the flush water to make the hair pretty bright . Vinegar was also effective against dandruff, when smeared on the scalp, and put poultice on it. However, it was also used on swollen joints and itching stings for pain relief.

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