Day of Hungarian Culture - 5 day Cultural Event series to be held at Gyor



A five day cultural event is taking place at Gyor’s Romer Floris Arts and History Museum – according to Bernadett Graszli  the institution’s managing director. 

The Secret Metropolitan Collection

On the 22nd of January visitors of the Esterhazy palace can enjoy free guided tour led by art professionals around the palace and to discover “The Secret Metropolitan Collection”, which includes hidden arts and heritage items.   
Romer Floris Arts and History Museum, Gyor
On the 24th of January another exciting – and free - Guided Tour will take place at three different locations. During the morning visitors can admire the Vastuskós House’s Imre Patkos art collection. Later, around the early afternoon guests can familiarise themselves with the Apatur House treasures, including personal and family collections and interesting local historical materials.  For the late afternoon/evening session, the Fruhmann House owned Stove Museum offers interesting amusement for the visitors. 
On the 25th Saturday The at the Puspoki Birohaz’s Csikoca Art WorkShop and Exhibition venue provides arts and crafts activities for its visitors. On the final day of the event series the “Open Gates at Gyor’s Graphic Workshop” graphic presentation will be held at the Napoleon House.
He added that on Saturday morning the Csikóca Art Workshop and Exhibition Hall of the Episcopal organize handicraft judge court house the next day and open the gates Graphic Workshop held in Győr title graphic presentation of the Napoleon House.

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