Enjoy the famous Széchenyi Bath!




Visiting Budapest is not complete without bathing in one of its world-famous thermal spring spas. The Romans had already discovered the healthy effects of the thermal springs on the locations now inside Budapest, however the culture of bath started develop just in the Turkish times. We offer introspection  for the most elegant thermal bath of Budapest: Széchenyi bath.

The Széchenyi Bath is Budapest’s largest thermal spring bath, which was built in 1913 in Neo-Baroque style. Its thermal spring is one of the deepest and warmest in the city. It issituated in the City Park, opposite of the City Circus and it can be reached by subway line No. 1 (station of the same name: Széchenyi fürdõ). It is the biggest and most important of all thermal spa on the Pest side, with numerous indoor and outdoor pools.

Come with us and explore it!! Turn the page!

Refreching massage: 

Refreshing and relaxing Swedish style massage with oils for the whole body which helps to find the right posture to ease the pain. The whole body relaxation and refreshment guaranteed. Recommended applications include: locomotive organs disorders, muscle tone, and sleeping disorders. 60 minutes massage!


Luxury manager massage: 

Especially for the head and back area. By stimulating various acupressure points on the neck, back and shoulder this massage helps relieve daily stress. It also promotes relaxation of the body’s tissues and muscles through the pressure of appropriate points. It is based on Swedish massage that relaxes and eases exercised muscles, improves the circulation and delivers benefits for the respiratory centre and the vegetative nervous system. 60 minutes massage!


Deluxe massage:

Refressing and relaxing Swedish style massage which helps to find the right posture to ease the pain. 60 minutes massage!

Harmony aroma massage:

Touching and sensing the fragnances together have a beneficial effect, directly through the skin. The oil massage stimulates circulation, the volatile oils embrance the body and take their effect through inhalation. It helps purification, strengthens the immune system, makes skin more elastic and silky. It revitalizes the tired soul. 60 minutes massage!

Forrás: http://www.gotohungary.net/

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