HEALING in caves without any side-effects




There are more than 1,500 caves registered in Hungary. However, the microclimates are different in each and every cave. In our country, there are five qualified health caves , where one can not only recover, but to meditate and relax as well. We lined up the caves for you as to what and where to find regarding healing caves .
The therapeutic effect depends on the extent of the cave air flow , surface conditions, the waters of the cave and the air composition.The modern cave therapy dates back to mid 20th century . The first cave was qualified as a health resort in 1966.
An interesting fact is that the average temperature of over 20 degrees warm caves are used for healing of musculoskeletal diseases, while the cold caves with an average temperature between 10-13 degrees are suitable for healing of respiratory patients.

What is the secret to healing effects?

The caves' temperature is relatively constant. This is accompanied by high humidity , dust and pollen -free air. The minerals such as calcium. magnesium and iodine dissolved in the air also promote healing . The up to ten-fold increased carbon dioxide level increases respiratory drive and breathing depth, and also act as an antispasmodic factor . One more important factor : low doses of their radioactivity activate cell metabolism and the immune system.
Just staying indoors already helps, but at some places this is combined with various therapies ( respiratory therapy, relaxation, meditation, Kneipp therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, dietetics, exercise and lifestyle therapy). Patients can take advantage of treatment prescribed by your family doctor or specialist referral . Most successful treatments are of three weeks' duration, but the improvement often occurs after the first week, however this will require 3-5 hours per day  to stay indoors .
One of the best known and most popular natural attractions of the Mecsek mountain is the healing cave in Abaliget . It has been dealt with the healing of patients with chronic bronchitis and silicosis since the 1960s. During the time of the course patients spend two hours a day in the cave.
They also organize hiking elf tours for the smallest age group . The adults may participate on a bat day, as this is one of the largest known bat wedding caves  in the country, which may be visited by even several thousand bats in autumn.
Tip! At the nearby Orfű we can find a water park with huge slides . When venturing a little further away , in Harkány, sauna programs can be tested.
The cave system beneath the city was discovered in 1902 of which there is a 300 -meter-long circular flight path where we can row a boat , at the depth of 15 meters.
During World War II the cave saved lives:  mothers gave birth to their children and a number of life-saving surgeries were also performed here. For healing purposes only the dry part of the cave is used, the  Hospital-cave, of a length of approx. 300 meters and the temperature is unusually high compared to other caves: 17-18 ° C degrees.The cave can be accessed directly from the hotel built over it .
Complex therapy of respiratory exercise , physiotherapy, exercise sessions are accessible.
Tip!  You want to splash or  relax ? Head to the nearby Heviz lake , and several nearby spa hotels .
The Peace Cave is the second largest and also the first healing cave in Hungary. During discovery of the therapeutic effect in 1952 the workers working at breast deep water less than 10 ° C did not become sick . In fact, the workers got " cured " when they came out of the water and the cave.
Due to its beautiful natural values the cave is highly protected. Since 1995, along with other caves of the Aggtelek Mountains, it is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The cave can be visited with guided tours.
Tip! Anyone who feels an irresistible urge to bathe or splash, we may offer slightly more distant destinations , such as Egerszalók, Demjén or  the cave bath in Miskolctapolca
The highly protected and beautiful stalactite formations famous St. Stephen's barlang in Lillafüred is 3.5 km away from Miskolc  , while the entrance is 500 meters from the Palace Hostel, close to  the driveway next to Eger and Miskolc .
Healing is going on in the Black Chamber closed to tourist traffic. As part of the complex therapy, respiratory therapy , music therapy , relaxation, meditation , Kneipp therapy and lifestyle browser can be used.
Tip! The Cave is a real curiosity. Unique in Europe, as such karst high-temperature water cannot be found elsewhere. One can splash in cave passages in 30-35 ° C fountain water. Your stay will be made even more memorable by the backwash water and the unique water falls breaking from the rock. Surrounded by mountains and natural park thermal and children's outdoor thermal pools are waiting for the visitors.
Nowadays it is easy to get around the Szemlőhegyi cave, which is part of the Buda cave system, on wheelchair . As a local office of St. Stephen 's Hospital , we can heal in the giant corridors of this cave.
In this case, the cave therapy is inhalation of fresh air.
Tip! Budapest is the city of baths and one can experience not just the historic baths, open beaches and swimming pools , but one of the largest water theme parks in Central Europe if you seek places where to bathe and have fun.

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