How much do foreigners know about us, Hungarians?




The Hungarians are proud people. At least certain things are worn very hard by us. There is a standard which we inherited, and we hold ourselves to it. It's a matter of principle. Of course, this does not mean that this is merely to be Hungarian, but still... this is basics. There are some things at which we jump, rightfully so most of the time, but it should also be noted that many of us - those lacking background, work, knowledge and experience - shouldn't have the right to do so.

Thirty years ago, mostly Germans told the world that the tastes of the Hungarian cuisine are inimitable. Mostly around the lake Balaton proliferated now and then the scone bakeries, fish bakeries, eating houses, and prestigious restaurants. Fish soup, goulash, pörkölt, pancakes and fried sausages were constantly on the menu.

However , the Hungarian cuisine is much more than that: cuisine of various nations and traditional Hungarian dishes mingled in many tasty variations. All Hungarians, "jump" if the Hungarian cuisine is disparaged - and nowadays very few people know how to cook anything else besides few traditional meals.

For the world it is not so obvious that the Hungarians are very resourceful, smart people, they are also unaware of the fact that we have a number of Nobel Prize winners. Nor do they know that in Hungary the subject knowledge taught in medical schools is at the highest level. We see correlations well and our thinking is very logical - provided that we have the knowledge behind it, because trying to be clever without success and guessing is typical of the Hungarians.

And what makes Hungarians so smart? Several reasons. Firstly, our education was of very high quality, in-depth at a time, already in primary schools - which is basic. On the other hand, since the Mongol invasion, we were genetically kept fresh. The results of the "new blood," are a lot of talents, which are good for future generations.


Puskás and the Golden Team would come to everybody's mind at first. Unfortunately, since then the Hungarian football evolved into a disappointing direction - a joke, so to speak.

Lamentable joke, as football was made politics instead of results.

However, we still have our swimmers, fencers , kayak-canoers, and so on. It is amazing that the mass sports, the daily exercises only began to flourish in the last 10-15 years in our country. The fashion of healthy lifestyle, its related business played a significant role in this.

At the forefront are Overdose and Kincsem, the magnificent racehorses which made our homeland world famous. Increasingly popular are the gray cattle and mangalitsas, not only at home but also abroad. The Hungarian dogs became world-famous in recent times as well. Breeds of Puli, Pumi, Hungarian Vizsla, Komondor, Kuvasz became popular abroad .

Their love of nature and animals, as well as their love of the land make the Hungarians who they are.


The renewed search for identity is an important part of the Hungarian consciousness , but things do not depend entirely on this, but caring for the old traditions, honoring holiday traditions and maintaining traditions is also emphasized by Hungarians.

The Hungarian culture begins at our literature, but unfortunately the world cannot really get to know it due to our specific language. I might as well say that all the words in the world are not enough to illustrate the poem of a Hungarian poet authentically. The diversity of the Hungarian folk art is a product of acceptance and tolerance, as all settlers kept their own folk culture, which is incorporated and became an integral part of the Hungarian value.

It is important to make the world aware that without Liszt and Bartók the English hit list would certainly not be so good... because without them today's music wouldn't exist... So today's moral is that the Hungarians have a limited sense of humor when it comes to being Hungarian.

What do you think about us Hungarians? We are curious about your opinion, so leave it in comments!

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