Opening of the Hungarian Jurassic Park




Do you still remember the life-like dinosaurs in the blockbuster movie Jurassic Park? The movie was probably one of your big favorites and so were the main attractions, the dinosaurs. You can now meet them live and do not have to go far for i , the location: Hungary. Although these reptiles are not real, but they look like alive: they are moving their limbs, heads, eyes and their sounds can be heard, too. Take a look at the Hungarian dinosaurs:

The dinosaur park recently opened in Hungary, in Rezi, in county Zala. This is the first such park in the country and there are only a few similar facilities located in the neighboring countries. The dinosaurs were produced in China, by the same company that produced the movie reptiles seen in the movie Jurassic Park. The items were shipped to Europe and the two factory specialists assembled them on the spot.

The park is located in the outskirts of Rezi and beside dinosaurs there are cableways, water surf simulators, boating pools and a rock -climbing tower set up for adults next to the dinosaurs. However, further development of the park is planned, while the largest is a seven meters tall brachiosaurus now, next year a 16 meter high and 40 meter long reptile will enrich the line of sights.



Hungarian guests living in the area, visiting tourists and foreigners are counted on as visitors. It is hoped that at least 20 thousand guests will visit this spectacle around Lake Balaton Uplands annually.

If you are interested, do not hesitate, please visit the Hungarian dinosaurs!

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