Preview of the new state of art Dagaly lido’s design plans

Pintér Dalma



Breathtaking is the one word that can summarise the design of the Budapest lido, Dagaly. Once it is ready, it could be a newest addition to the long lines of fascinating buildings and complexes of the capital town. The project costs 8 billion forints and is expected to be ready by 2016 to host the 2017 juniour and 2021 adult aquatic World Cup games. 

Other than its function to host the games and all water based activities the designers were dedicated to create an architecturally valuable unique complex, which will add a value to the capital town’s rich assets.

The new complex will be built on 25 0000 square meters and will consist several different function pools – including training pools, diving boards – according to Laszlo Vigh chairman of the National Sport affairs . He declared during last week’s press conferences, that the new building will be able to host 5000 guests, but for the 2021 World Cup, this number will be increased to 18000 thanks to the mobile seating systems and equipments. This temporary seating solution will only be use for the games, after the event these will not be used anymore.



The budget is an estimated 8 billion Hungarian Forint; however, this number is expected to go up by the end of the project.  The work is planned to start in the beginning of 2015 beginning with the establishment of the first stepping stone.


Tamas Szentes vice- mayor of Budapest told during the conferences that   „Budapest would like to be a good host for the aquatic games World Cup, providing excellent experience and easy access to all guests who arrive for the games.   

We are looking forward to see the final results of these exciting designs and plans. 

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