
10 Record-holder Hungarian villages


In Hungary, there are a number of settlements, which stand out for certain reasons: for example, the beautiful environment, clean air, or just simply because of the rural atmosphere. However, the following is a compilation of 10 villages I'll give you guys which are on the top of the list:

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages
10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Based on the GfK research data Telki has more than once been the country's richest village.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Hollókő is the only Hungarian village, which is on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites , it is one of the most popular destinations in Hungary also for foreigners.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Mátraszentimre is Hungary's highest village - from 750 to 835 meters above sea level.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Situated in the Kiskunság Homokhátság Pusztavacs was officially declared the geographical center of the country in 1968.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Felsőszölnök is Hungary's most western village. It is mostly inhabited by Slovenians in Hungary.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Garland is the most northern village in the country.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Beremend the most southern Hungarian village that also serves as a border crossing.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Located on the River Tur Garbolc is known as the most eastern Hungarian village.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Kiskunhalas is not only world-famous because of its lace but it is also known that the highest temperature was recorded here in Hungary, ie 41.9 ° C on July 20th 2007.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

The Hungarian village of Zabar, in Nógrád county, is located in the area considered to be the coldest in Hungary.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Based on the GfK research data Telki has more than once been the country's richest village.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Hollókő is the only Hungarian village, which is on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites , it is one of the most popular destinations in Hungary also for foreigners.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Mátraszentimre is Hungary's highest village - from 750 to 835 meters above sea level.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Situated in the Kiskunság Homokhátság Pusztavacs was officially declared the geographical center of the country in 1968.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Felsőszölnök is Hungary's most western village. It is mostly inhabited by Slovenians in Hungary.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Garland is the most northern village in the country.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Beremend the most southern Hungarian village that also serves as a border crossing.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Located on the River Tur Garbolc is known as the most eastern Hungarian village.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

Kiskunhalas is not only world-famous because of its lace but it is also known that the highest temperature was recorded here in Hungary, ie 41.9 ° C on July 20th 2007.

10 Record-holder Hungarian villages

The Hungarian village of Zabar, in Nógrád county, is located in the area considered to be the coldest in Hungary.


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