
15 +1 Amazing Hungarian landscapes, you should see

Pintér Dalma

There are places in this world, that you would not believe they are from this planet. Now we would like to show you some of these places, that are so fascinating and beautiful, it seems unbelievable that they are from this globe, let alone they are from Hungary. Hungary can’t complain about having hidden treasures – the following landscapes are equally wonderful and offer a truly unique experience to its visitors.

Pintér Dalma

1. Aggtelek stalactite



2. The Somoskő castle and the basalt peak



3. Eger’s salt dome



4. Rudabánya quarry


5. Rapeseed field at the bottom of the Bakony


6. Kaptárkő, Somolya



7. Dunes of Fülöpháza





8. Tihany lavender fields




9. Molnár János Cave



10.  Snowdrop field of Alcsut



11. The Kali pool and Hegyestű


12. Ilona Valley Falls , Hungary 's highest natural cascade


13. Khazar - Rhyolite Tuff



14. Szalajka valley Water Falls



15. The Visegrad Ram gap



+1 Red Lake (Transylvania ) - the legendary Transylvania lake




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