
Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown


From the street, nothing can be seen, just a battered façade, an obscure gateway, and a massive double door … Do you want to know what is hiding inside?

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

Step in with us:

Beyond <a class="autolinkeles" title="budapest" href="https://www.magyarorszagom.hu/budapest.html">Budapest</a> – Secret gardens and squares downtown

While you learn a lot about the development and the botanical curiosities of Budapest, you can be carried away by the true tales of a long-ago town.

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

During our 2.5-hour walk we gain access to some beautiful private gardens which are otherwise closed to the public; we also visit a cloister garden and one of the prettiest inner-city parks.

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

These inner gardens and parks squatting among the apartment houses guard the secrets of their onetime residents...

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

...they tell us stories of glory and defeat, love and death – and thus make the history of the city living and tangible.

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

... which reveal the harmonious coexistence of man and nature in an urban environment, and invite us to rest and to contemplate. 

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

Step in with us, and you will find yourself in a magical world of centuries-old trees, colorful flowers, marble wells and shady benches along the winding paths – green oases in the midst of the concrete jungle...

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

While you learn a lot about the development and the botanical curiosities of Budapest, you can be carried away by the true tales of a long-ago town.

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

During our 2.5-hour walk we gain access to some beautiful private gardens which are otherwise closed to the public; we also visit a cloister garden and one of the prettiest inner-city parks.

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

These inner gardens and parks squatting among the apartment houses guard the secrets of their onetime residents...

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

...they tell us stories of glory and defeat, love and death – and thus make the history of the city living and tangible.

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

... which reveal the harmonious coexistence of man and nature in an urban environment, and invite us to rest and to contemplate. 

Beyond Budapest – Secret gardens and squares downtown

Step in with us, and you will find yourself in a magical world of centuries-old trees, colorful flowers, marble wells and shady benches along the winding paths – green oases in the midst of the concrete jungle...

Forrás: http://imaginebudapest.hu/


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