
Bike and Wine, Budapest


The Wine and Go was launched in Budapest nearly a month ago , which means that we can order delivery of not only food but also quality wines. The delivery made by bike is not only faster but also greener, plus you may ask for delivery to places where no one would otherwise be able to deliver, like to a picnic, a house party or a date. We are happy about it!

Bike and Wine, Budapest

We are all familiar with the distressing feeling of lack of wine. The problem seems to be resolved by having created this promising project. The point of Wine & Go, residential at the kadarka Wine Bar in Budapest, is to be able to order high-quality wines, delivered " home ", or somewhere exciting, thereby saving company meetings , home parties, or romantic / friendly picnics.

Bike and Wine, <a class="autolinkeles" title="budapest" href="https://www.magyarorszagom.hu/budapest.html">Budapest</a>

The Wine & Go debut event was in Kadarka a month ago , which serves as headquarters as well. The ordered wines are being launched from here on every weekday from 9am until 2 am on the next day,weekends from 11 in the morning until 2 am on the next day. You can not only avoid the life danger generated by the lack of wine but the city biking and Hungarian wine culture come into view as well. The essence is the plain pleasure , profound thoughts and friendly conversations.

Bike and Wine, Budapest

In addition to the two wheel transport efficiency and environment friendliness, the bike allows the drinks to be delivered to places where cars could not deliver : for example, imagine that you are just having a drinking session on Margaret Island in the middle of the breeding season , but wine runs out faster than planned . Well, this is when Wine & Go comes in, and the night is saved .

Bike and Wine, Budapest

The Wine & Go debut night was recorded on a video ( by Peter Wine ), which the participants of the event could see at Kadarka. Here it is:


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Bike and Wine, Budapest

The Wine & Go debut event was in Kadarka a month ago , which serves as headquarters as well. The ordered wines are being launched from here on every weekday from 9am until 2 am on the next day,weekends from 11 in the morning until 2 am on the next day. You can not only avoid the life danger generated by the lack of wine but the city biking and Hungarian wine culture come into view as well. The essence is the plain pleasure , profound thoughts and friendly conversations.

Bike and Wine, Budapest

In addition to the two wheel transport efficiency and environment friendliness, the bike allows the drinks to be delivered to places where cars could not deliver : for example, imagine that you are just having a drinking session on Margaret Island in the middle of the breeding season , but wine runs out faster than planned . Well, this is when Wine & Go comes in, and the night is saved .

Bike and Wine, Budapest

The Wine & Go debut night was recorded on a video ( by Peter Wine ), which the participants of the event could see at Kadarka. Here it is:


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