
Leonardo in Pécs


In the city of Pécs this spring, an interesting exhibition awaits those interested in inventions in general or in the works of Leonardo da Vinci in particular! The exhibition is split over three different venues in the sunny southern city - the main square and two museums. Several Exhibitions have been staged to highlight the genius and advanced ideas of Leonardo da Vinci, his pursuit of science and architecture and his detailed studies of aviation and anatomy, but in this case a spotlight will also be thrown on the extent to which these innovative ideas led to the development of science, technology culture and the arts. 

Leonardo in Pécs

The displays will show the creative genius of daVinci through a plethora of original diagrams, illustrations and models, as well as collection of multimedia installations.

Leonardo in Pécs

Ono of the Pride of place in the exhibition is taken by the model of Leonardo's so-called ‘automobile', a boxy three-wheeler. Do not be deceived by the les-than trendy square lines, the lack of paneling or the profusion of cogs and pulleys. This thing was designed before anyone had seriously seen an end to horse-drawn vehicles, so it is little short of astounding how many things Leonardo got right, or to put it more correctly, how many of his solutions have become the norm in modern automobile construction today.

Leonardo in Pécs

You can read that due to some recent re-calculations, this present model displays the machine in a form that would have been fully functional. Furthermore that function was not pure transport, but it was rather designed to be conveyed to court to create special effects.

Leonardo in Pécs

The other great attraction is the great grey horse, known as the Sforza Horse, as it was commissioned by Francesco Sforza, prince of Milan. This copy has the same massive dimensions as the original, measuring 8.5 m tall and weighing in at 13 tons. To make the entire heavy structure more safe and stable, it was filled with water and holds 8000 litres!.


The Exhibit runs from April to the end of September (30th), from 10am- 6pm, Tuesdays-Sundays In terms of location, the exhibition is split between three venues in Pécs: Széchenyi Square, the Janus Pannonius Martyn Museum (Káptalan u. 4.).and the Gallery of Modern Hungarian Art (Papnövelde u. 5.). The Exhibit runs from April to the end of September (30th), from 10am- 6pm, Tuesdays-Sundays.

Leonardo in Pécs

Ono of the Pride of place in the exhibition is taken by the model of Leonardo's so-called ‘automobile', a boxy three-wheeler. Do not be deceived by the les-than trendy square lines, the lack of paneling or the profusion of cogs and pulleys. This thing was designed before anyone had seriously seen an end to horse-drawn vehicles, so it is little short of astounding how many things Leonardo got right, or to put it more correctly, how many of his solutions have become the norm in modern automobile construction today.

Leonardo in Pécs

You can read that due to some recent re-calculations, this present model displays the machine in a form that would have been fully functional. Furthermore that function was not pure transport, but it was rather designed to be conveyed to court to create special effects.

Leonardo in Pécs

The other great attraction is the great grey horse, known as the Sforza Horse, as it was commissioned by Francesco Sforza, prince of Milan. This copy has the same massive dimensions as the original, measuring 8.5 m tall and weighing in at 13 tons. To make the entire heavy structure more safe and stable, it was filled with water and holds 8000 litres!.

The Exhibit runs from April to the end of September (30th), from 10am- 6pm, Tuesdays-Sundays In terms of location, the exhibition is split between three venues in Pécs: Széchenyi Square, the Janus Pannonius Martyn Museum (Káptalan u. 4.).and the Gallery of Modern Hungarian Art (Papnövelde u. 5.). The Exhibit runs from April to the end of September (30th), from 10am- 6pm, Tuesdays-Sundays.

Forrás: gotohungary.com


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