
Secret object in the Hungarian mountain: foreigners think this is the most mysterious place in Hungary


One of the most special place of the Hungarian capital city: the Rock Hospital. The underground tunnels have been used and formed by residents. But What for the Rock Hospital was used and what kind of secret it hide? Now you know everything. 

Secret object in the Hungarian mountain : foreigners think this is the most mysterious place in Hungary

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Secret object in the Hungarian mountain : foreigners think this is the most mysterious place in Hungary

The hospital was renovated as per its original status in the 1960s, part of this is due to the time travel is the perfect opportunity , but within the bunker atmosphere also contributes to the mystical atmosphere , not to mention the hospital circulating horror stories- these include the Russians flamethrower killing here German recumbent patients - some of which will be tried to explain in the guided tour starting every hour.

Secret object in the Hungarian mountain : foreigners think this is the most mysterious place in Hungary

Although a couple of times it was already opened to curious tourists and theater performances were held in it , the Hospital in the Rock, which is now officially called secret Fallout shelter Hospital and bunker, became visitable only in 2008. Today it houses the largest exhibition of wax figures of the country, in addition to the exhibitions of the hospital 's history, the civil defense secrets of World War II and the Cold War period, as well as provide an insight into the history of military medicine.

Secret object in the Hungarian mountain : foreigners think this is the most mysterious place in Hungary

The hospital was able to accommodate three hundred people , but it was common to see up to seven hundred of them resided in the tunnel . Although the death rate was not low at that time due of the lack of medicines and devices , the creation of the modern hospital the was something new,for example, it had its own generator.

Secret object in the Hungarian mountain : foreigners think this is the most mysterious place in Hungary

The Rock Hospital , that is officially known as the former Capital City Surgical Hospital is found under the Buda Castle , formed in ten kilometers of tunnels and caves under the Buda Castle.

The underground tunnels have been used and formed by residents , but the walls were just confirmed on the eve of the Second World War, thereby creating one of the most special places and a hospital which is still a unique place in the capital of bunker and hospital.

Secret object in the Hungarian mountain : foreigners think this is the most mysterious place in Hungary

The 2,300 -square-foot complex was reinforced by walls which served as shelters during the Second World War, when it was built as well as the emergency hospital , which provided emergency treatment including both victims of the air raids  civilians and soldiers.

Secret object in the Hungarian mountain : foreigners think this is the most mysterious place in Hungary

Its hospital functions were also be able to be fulfilled later on, such as the 1956 Revolution which was an important role during the Cold War and has been gotten into the public consciousness as nuclear-proof bunker, despite the fact that in the 1950s, the object was encrypted , which was only resolved in 2002.

Secret object in the Hungarian mountain : foreigners think this is the most mysterious place in Hungary

It would be interesting to mention that this particular object is quite familiar abroad, also that several online compilations list it as Europe 's most mysterious buildings of Hungary.


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