
The Kalocsa and the matyó became fashionable


More and more often can we meet pictures of celebrities strolling around in clothing with Kalocsa or matyó embroidery , still dressed according to the latest fashion. You probably remember the excitement around Jenson Button's Formula 1 driver Kalocsa motif dress, as well as a huge success, which he had in his overall .Let's find out what is the situation in Hungary, the presence of the the world-renowned folk art pattern in a modern style.

The Kalocsa and the matyó became fashionable

Folk Fashion

The story of the Folk Fashion company created by Orsolya Karaszi and Andrea Müller started with the familiar phrase for every woman that " I do not have anything to put on today . "

Orsi Karaszi wanted to refresh her wardrobe with a Kalocsa motif blouse , but the acquisition was more difficult than she thought , as most traditional dresses with embroidery are rather shown in showcases instead of our wardrobes .

Thus the basic idea was born : wearable garments for everyone, trendy , with Kalocsa folk motifs. From then on they were unstoppable.

The Kalocsa and the matyó became fashionable

Since 2010 better and better ideas followed each other, so in their collection jeans , handbags, shoes , shirts , and even bikinis can be found in line with the latest fashion.

Each piece is unique, manually embroidered by elderly women in Kalocsa .

The Folk Fashion Spring collection was recently published, in which the easy-going , loose pieces are dominant, and thin, breathable materials , which allow sufficient space for the designer 's imagination and provide an opportunity for renewal .

The Kalocsa and the matyó became fashionable

The Folk Fashion Spring collection was recently published, in which the easy-going , loose pieces are dominant, and thin, breathable materials , which allow sufficient space for the designer 's imagination and provide an opportunity for renewal .

The Kalocsa and the matyó became fashionable

Váczi Barbara and her sister, Rosie are the creators of the matyo design . They spent most of their childhood in Tard, the smallest matyó town in the country at the junction of Bükkalja and the Great Plains . No wonder , that they are closely linked to traditional embroidery.


All started when Rosie devised a unique birthday gift for her partner , the actor Ervin Nagy : she had a matyó decorative motif embroiderd on a T-shirt with Aunt Teri living in Tard.

The Kalocsa and the matyó became fashionable

The idea proved to be so good that the matyo design brand started in April last year , so now anyone

can purchase fashionable , unique matyó patterned, yet extremely stylish shirts, sweaters or headbands , and even individual custom orders are welcome.

The sisters are selecting their favorite motif during the process of the design from the existing huge matyó samples - scale , sometimes in original colors , however, often conceived as completely new variations on the costume pieces.

The elderly women engaged in embroidery in Tard were rather skeptical about the deviation from the matyó standard at first , but over time have become accustomed to the new look.

" We hope that what we do is valuable , culturally and socially , and we are creating something new in the fashion world as well ", - says Borbala Váczi .


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