
Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest


Let us suggest you a list of restaurants, which are famous, serving traditional Hungarian dishes, where professionals playing gipsy music as they played in the old times. Whichever you choose you will have a real Hungarian gastronomic experience!

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Salon restaurant

Boscolo Budapest's Salon Restaurant opened its doors in the spring of 2010. In it the elegance and quaintness of the pre-world war era is coupled with modern interior design resulting in a unique sense of harmony. Chef de Cuisine Andras Wolf is one of the inventors of "Essential Hungarian Gastronomy", putting emphasis on the reinvention of traditional Hungarian dishes. The restaurant takes place in the building of The Most Beautiful Café In The World, which one is a “must-see” when visiting Budapest!

Restaurant Bohém in the building of MÜPA


The tarnished environment is which immediately enchants the visitors. Entering special spaces, charming lighting, attentive service, exclusive food and wine selection, tasty coffee for the guests and the real curiosity of the tables that regularly appears a popular performer, world-renowned soloist or conductor.

Whether before or after a theater performance you can visit the restaurant, because it is located in the MÜPA, on the National Theatre side.

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Early 1900’s elegant interior, live gipsy music, traditional and reformed Hungarian dishes, wide range of wines, wine cellars, confectionary, shop, event service, garden, private rooms, awarded by GaultMillau, Michelin Guide, Budapest Business Journal and many others.

Address: 14th district, Gundel Károly street 4

Table reservation: +36-1-468-4040

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Exclusive interior, live gipsy music, Hungarian and international dishes, brassiere, private rooms, event service, awarded by DiningCity

Address: 5th district, Ferenciek square 7-8
Table reservation: +36-1-317-3596

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Traditional Hungarian style interior, Hungarian and Transylvanian dishes, wide range of wines, live gypsy music, Hungarian folklore evenings

Address: 5th district, Március 15. square 7
Table reservation: +36-1-266-80-08

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Live gipsy music, 1800’s rustic interior, garden, traditional Hungarian and international dishes, private room

Address: 5th district, Pesti Barnabás street 2
Table reservation: +36-1-230-0329

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Live gipsy music, neoreneissance interior, terrace, beer cellar, wide range of wines, traditional Hungarian and international dishes, private room, event service, awarded by TripAdvisor

Address: 9th district, Ráday street 15
Table reservation: +36-1-217-6756

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Medieval interior with comfortable exclusive furniture, traditional and reformed Hungarian dishes, soft guitar music, private services, awarded by GaultMillau and Michelin Guide

Address: Buda Castle, Országház street 2

Table reservation: +36-1-356-08-51

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Royal interior, spectacular panorama view, traditional and reformed Hungarian and international dishes, private rooms, terraces

Address: Fisherman’s Bastion, North Tower, Buda Castle
Table reservation: +36-1-201-6935

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Modern interior, traditional and reformed Hungarian and international dishes, virtuoso live gipsy music, wide range of wines, terrace
Address: 5th district, Sas street 3
Table reservation: +36 1 318-0038

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Late 1800’s style elegant enterior, traditional and reformed Hungarian and international dishes, live piano music, awarded by GaultMillau, TimeOut, Best of Budapest

Address: 8th district, Múzeum boulevard 12
Table reservation: +36-1-201-9992

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Elegant late 1800's style interior, traditional Hungarian and international dishes, duck specialities, event service, live gipsy music, wide range of wines

Address: 2nd district, Fő street 75
Table reservation: +36-1-487-3090

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Traditional Hungarian style interior, traditional Hungarian dishes, wide range of pálinkas and wines, private rooms, event service, garden, live music, live gipsy music

Address: 3rd district, Mókus street 22
Table reservation: +36-1-368-06-13

Top 13+1 traditional Hungarian restaurants in Budapest

Traditional Hungarian style interior, traditional Hungarian dishes, event service, live gipsy music, folklore evenings
Address: 4th district, Váci road 102-104
Table reservation: +36-1-230-3465

Forrás: visithungary.com


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