
Top 5 most moving landmarks in Hungary


Thee aren’t only nice, sunny and brightly green places in Hungary, there are some destinations that serve remembrance of things past, so that the events that occurred there may not ever happen again. The following are the top 5 most moving landmarks in Hungary that are might seem macabre at fist, but which are still worth a visit in order to get to know all aspects of the history and culture of the country and the region.


I think these sights are ‘must sees’, not because they are somewhat bizarre, but because the educate us and show us the mistakes of the past and the heroism of some brave people. 


Read this article away..

On the Island of Witches in Szeged they have executed – burned at stake -  six men and six women in 1728 based on fake proof and accusations. The city was home to an infamous string ofwitch trials in the 1700s and even before.

The Shoes on the Danube Promenade can be freely visited by anyone, it is a memorial created to remember the Jews who were shot into the Danube river by the members of the fascist militia, the Arrow Cross, during World War II in 1944-45.


The most evil reputed Gulag of the country was operated near the village of Recsk in Heves county. There were more than 1,500 people kept prisoners here, but they still cannot find the mass grave of the ones who died or were murdered here.

You may have already heard about the House of Terror, it is pretty famous. The museum located at Andrassy Avenue (Andrássy út) nr. 60 commemorates the victims of the dictatorships of the 20th century – the communist and fascist regimes. Note that the House of Terror  is by no means for young children and neither for those with weak nerves.


The Memorial Park of Mohacs is a really beautiful place in the memory of the 18, 000 Hungarian soldiers killed in the Battle of Mohacs in 1526 while defending their country against the Ottoman conquerors. Against the natural sadness of the place, you will enjoy the beautiful carved-wood sculptures the park is full of.

I am not sure which of the places move me the most, but all of their silent sadness is somehow still full of grace and pride. Do not miss them if you have the chance.

Forrás: http://www.hungarywanderer.com/


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